Salted Caramel Chocolate Chip Cheesecake [video]

Salted Caramel Chocolate Chip Cheesecake. Th?s ?s ? dessert worthy of the n?me "c?ke". It w?s dec?dent. It w?s dre?my. It m?de my t?stebuds do ? h?ppy d?nce. Then, ?t m?de me re?l?ze I h?d to get ?t out of the house.

Salted Caramel Chocolate Chip Cheesecake [video]

The s?lted c?r?mel topp?ng h?s ? lot to do w?th the sheer del?c?ousness of th?s cheesec?ke. Th?s s?uce ?s the bomb! I w?s surpr?sed by how e?sy ?t w?s to m?ke.

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  • 1 cup gr?nul?ted sug?r
  • 6 tbsp s?lted butter, cut ?nto 6 p?eces
  • 1/2 cup he?vy cre?m
  • 1 tsp s?lt
  • 1 cup Oreo cook?es, f?nely crushed
  • 3 tbsp uns?lted butter, melted
  • 3 (8 oz) p?ck?ges of cre?m cheese, softened
  • 1 (14 oz) c?n sweetened, condensed m?lk
  • 3 l?rge eggs, room temp
  • 2 tsp v?n?ll? extr?ct
  • 1 cup m?n? chocol?te ch?ps (plus more for topp?ng)
  • se? s?lt (opt?on?l-for topp?ng)
  1. M?ke the c?r?mel s?uce- ?n ? sm?ll s?ucep?n, he?t sug?r over med?um he?t. Use ? he?t-res?st?nt sp?tul? to cont?nu?lly st?r the sug?r. It w?ll st?rt to melt ?nd from brown clumps. Keep st?rr?ng! Once the sug?r ?s melted, ?dd the butter. Be c?reful to keep st?rr?ng ?s the c?r?mel w?ll bubble up when you ?dd the butter. 
  2. St?r the butter unt?l completely melted, 2-3 m?nutes. Cont?nue st?rr?ng ?s you slowly dr?zzle the cre?m ?n. Keep st?rr?ng ?g??n, bec?use the c?r?mel w?ll bubble up ?g??n when you ?dd the cre?m. 
  3. Allow the m?xture to bo?l for 1 m?nute, then remove p?n from he?t. Immed??tely st?r ?n the s?lt. Set s?uce ?s?de ?nd ?llow to cool before us?ng. Store ?n ? gl?ss j?r for e?se of use, keep s?uce ?n the fr?dge.
  4. Prehe?t oven to 300�. Thoroughly gre?se ? 9-?nch spr?ngform p?n. Set ?s?de.
  5. In ? m?x?ng bowl, comb?ne Oreo's ?nd butter. Press m?xture evenly ?nto the spr?ngform p?n.
  6. Prep?re the f?ll?ng- pl?ce cre?m cheese ?n ? st?nd m?xer or m?x?ng bowl to use ?n electr?c be?ter on ?n.
  7. Be?t the cre?m cheese unt?l fluffy, 2-3 m?nutes. Be?t ?n the condensed m?lk. Be?t ?n the eggs, one by one unt?l thoroughly m?xed. M?x ?n the v?n?ll?. Add chocol?te ch?ps to the bowl, ?nd fold ?n gently w?th ? sp?tul?. Pour f?ll?ng ?nto spr?ngform p?n. Top w?th ? h?ndful of m?n? chocol?te ch?ps.
  8. B?ke ?n prehe?t oven for 40-50 m?nutes, or unt?l the cheesec?ke ?s set ?nd j?ggles sl?ghtly ?n the center.
  9. Run ? th?n kn?fe ?round the edge of the cheesec?ke ?nd pl?ce on ? cool?ng r?ck. Allow cheesec?ke to cool before ch?ll?ng ?n the fr?dge overn?ght.
  10. Before serv?ng, he?t c?r?mel s?uce ?n the m?crow?ve for 10-15 seconds. Pour enough c?r?mel s?uce over the top of the cheesec?ke to cover ?t. Top w?th more chocol?te ch?ps ?nd ? spr?nkle of se? s?lt, ?f des?red.
  11. Sl?ce, ?nd serve ?mmed??tely. 

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