Baked Banana and Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cups (Healthy and Easy Grab-N-Go Breakfast)

Th?s Baked Banana Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cup r?c?p? ?s th? most popular m?al pr?p r?c?p? on my blog. A gr?at mak?-ah?ad br?akfast r?c?p? to mak? on m?al pr?p day!

Baked Banana and Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cups (Healthy and Easy Grab-N-Go Breakfast)

Baked Banana Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cup. Mak? ah?ad and fr??z?r fr??ndly. 202 calor??s and 6 w??ght watch?rs po?nts p?r cup. Th?s? ?asy and h?althy Banana and Chocolat? Ch?p Bak?d Oatm?al Cups ar? sup?r s?mpl? to mak? and tast? d?l?c?ous.

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Th?s Baked Banana Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cup r?c?p? ?s scrumpt?ous! It d?f?n?t?ly has th? flavors of banana br?ad and a br?akfast cook?? wrapp?d up ?n a whol?som? bak?d oatm?al cup.


  • 3 cups roll?d oats or old fash?on?d oats
  • � t?aspoon ground c?nnamon
  • ? t?aspoon ground nutm?g
  • 1 t?aspoon bak?ng powd?r
  • � t?aspoon salt
  • 2 larg? ?ggs
  • � cup pur? mapl? syrup
  • 1 cup mash?d banana, 2 bananas
  • 2 t?aspoons pur? van?lla ?xtract
  • 1 cup 1% m?lk
  • � cup m?lt?d coconut o?l
  • 1 cup m?n? chocolat? ch?ps
  • Cook?ng spray.


  1. Pr?h?at ov?n to 350.
  2. In a m?d?um bowl comb?n? th? roll?d oats, c?nnamon, nutm?g, bak?ng powd?r, and salt. S?t as?d?.
  3. Crack th? 2 ?ggs ?nto anoth?r m?d?um bowl. Wh?sk tog?th?r w?th th? mapl? syrup, mash?d banana, and van?lla ?xtract t?ll th? ?ngr?d??nts ar? comb?n?d and smooth.
  4. Slowly wh?sk ?n th? m?lk and coconut o?l.
  5. Pour th? w?t ?ngr?d??nts ?nto th? dry ?ngr?d??nts. St?r unt?l all th? oats ar? cov?r?d and mo?st?n?d.
  6. Slowly st?r ?n th? chocolat? ch?ps.
  7. Spray a muff?n pan w?th cook?ng spray th?n d?v?d? th? oatm?al m?xtur? among th? 12 muff?ns t?ns. Pr?ss th? m?xtur? down w?th a spoon so all th? oats ar? cov?r?d ?n l?qu?d.
  8. Bak? for 30 m?nut?s or unt?l th? tops ar? sl?ghtly brown.
  9. L?t cool for 5 m?nut?s. Enjoy w?th a l?ttl? pur? mapl? syrup.

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