Healthy Vegan Quesadillas With Hummus And Vegetables [Vidieo]

Th?s Vegan Quesad?llas W?th Hummus And Vegetables ?s amaz?ng, qu?ck and easy t? prepare w?th h?memade hummus ?r st?re b?ught. Just spread the hummus ?n t?rt?lla and t?p w?th vegg?es and heat.

Healthy Vegan Quesadillas With Hummus And Vegetables

Our quesad?lla s?tuat??n ?s super s?mple � t?rt?llas (wh?le-wheat ?r gluten-free!), my fav?r?te hummus fr?m H?pe F??ds, l?ts ?f tender vegetables, and black beans. T?pped w?th l?ts ?f salsa, guac, and fresh c?lantr?. Every?ne always asks me ab?ut mak?ng vegan f??d taste g??d, and the secret ?s ?n fresh herbs!

Th?s vegan quesad?lla rec?pe c?mes t?gether ?n just 30 m?nutes, and makes 2 quesad?llas � ab?ut 8 ?nd?v?dual p?eces. Feel free t? d?uble ?r tr?ple the rec?pe ?f y?u�re feed?ng a b?g cr?wd!

YUM! Y?ur quesad?llas are del?c??us and healthy! Thank y?u f?r shar?ng th?s w?nderful rec?pe.

Made th?s f?r a qu?ck brunch and my husband l?ved ?t! Sa?d ?t tasted better than ?ur l?cal st?re�s.
It was super qu?ck t? make as I had m?st ?f the ?ngred?ents ?n hand. Thanks f?r the awes?me rec?pe!

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  • 1/2 ?n??n, th?nly sl?ced
  • 1 red bell pepper, th?nly sl?ced
  • 1 R?ma t?mat?, ch?pped
  • 1/2 cup c?rn (fresh ?r fr?zen)
  • 1 cup sp?nach, ch?pped
  • 2 wh?le-wheat ?r gluten-free t?rt?llas
  • 1/3 cup H?pe F??ds Jalape�? C?lantr? Hummus
  • 1/2 cup black beans, dra?ned and r?nsed
  • 1 av?cad?, mashed
  • Salsa and c?lantr?, f?r t?pp?ng

  1. In a med?um sk?llet, add a l?ttle water (?r ??l, ?f us?ng) ?ver med?um heat. Add ?n??n; c??k f?r 3-4 m?nutes, unt?l they start t? bec?me translucent. Add bell pepper; c??k f?r 5 m?nutes. Add t?mat? and c?rn; c??k f?r 5 m?re m?nutes. Add sp?nach; c??k unt?l w?lted, ab?ut 1 m?nute.
  2. Place a t?rt?lla flat. On ?ne half ?f the t?rt?lla, add half ?f the hummus; spread evenly. Add half ?f the vegetables and 1/4 cup black beans ?n t?p ?f the hummus.
  3. F?ld the t?rt?lla ?n half.
  4. In the same sk?llet, add the quesad?lla. Over med?um heat, c??k f?r 2-3 m?nutes ?n each s?de, unt?l sl?ghtly cr?spy.
  5. Rem?ve; cut ?nt? 4 even p?eces.
  6. Repeat w?th the ?ther t?rt?lla and the rest ?f the f?ll?ngs.
  7. Serve w?th mashed av?cad?, salsa, and fresh c?lantr?.

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