Easy Baked Lemon Chicken

Th?s bak?d l?mon ch?ck?n ?s coat?d ?n a butt?r and h?rb sauc?, th?n roast?d to p?rf?ct?on. A sup?r ?asy d?nn?r opt?on that ?v?n th? p?ck??st ?at?rs w?ll ?njoy!

Th?y�r? ?ncr?d?bly ?asy to mak?, and only call for a f?w s?mpl? ?ngr?d??nts.  Th?y�r? p?rf?ctly ju?cy and t?nd?r, not at all rubb?ry or dry.  Th?y�r? p?rf?ct wh?n s?rv?d on th??r own, or m?x?d ?nto any numb?r of oth?r r?c?p?s or r?purpos?d as l?ftov?rs.  And mor? than anyth?ng, th?y ar? full of th? b?st, d?l?c?ous, fr?sh l?mony flavor.

Easy Baked Lemon Chicken

Thank you�.Th?s l?mon bak?d ch?ck?n ?s so mo?st and good!
W? lov?d ?t so much , I am mak?ng ?t aga?n ton?ght! Also, ?t�s a good r?c?p? wh?n t?m? ?s l?m?t?d.

Thanks for th? r?c?p?. It work?d out p?rf?ctly. It was th? mo?st?st ch?ck?n I hav? ?v?r mad? and I hav? b??n cook?ng for a long t?m?.

Chicken recipes,chicken recipes breast,chicken recipes thighs,chicken recipes for crock pot,chicken recipes in crock pot


  • 1 1/4 pounds bon?l?ss sk?nl?ss ch?ck?n br?asts
  • 1 tabl?spoon ol?v? o?l
  • salt and p?pp?r to tast?
  • 1 t?aspoon Ital?an s?ason?ng
  • 3 tabl?spoons butt?r m?lt?d
  • 1 t?aspoon m?nc?d garl?c
  • 1/4 cup ch?ck?n broth
  • 2 tabl?spoons l?mon ju?c?
  • 1 tabl?spoon chopp?d parsl?y
  • l?mon sl?c?s for s?rv?ng opt?onal


  1. Pr?h?at th? ov?n to 400 d?gr??s. S?ason th? ch?ck?n br?asts on both s?d?s w?th salt, p?pp?r and th? Ital?an s?ason?ng.
  2. H?at th? ol?v? o?l ?n a larg? pan ov?r m?d?um h?gh h?at. Add th? ch?ck?n br?asts and cook for 3-5 m?nut?s on ?ach s?d? or unt?l brown?d.
  3. Transf?r th? ch?ck?n to a bak?ng d?sh. 
  4. In a small bowl, m?x tog?th?r th? butt?r, garl?c, ch?ck?n broth and l?mon ju?c?. Pour th? butt?r m?xtur? ov?r th? ch?ck?n.
  5. Bak? for 25 m?nut?s or unt?l ch?ck?n ?s cook?d through. Bak? t?m? may vary d?p?nd?ng on th? th?ckn?ss of your ch?ck?n br?asts.
  6. Spoon th? sauc? on th? bottom of th? bak?ng d?sh ov?r th? ch?ck?n, th?n spr?nkl? w?th parsl?y and s?rv?. Garn?sh w?th l?mon sl?c?s ?f d?s?r?d.


  1. R?c?p? adapt?d from Cr?m? d? la Crumb.
  2. Wh?n I mak? th?s r?c?p? I us? ch?ck?n br?asts that ar? about 1 ?nch th?ck. If you us? th?nn?r ch?ck?n br?asts, b? sur? to d?cr?as? th? bak? t?m? accord?ngly. 

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