Delicious Garlic Butter Grilled Steak and Shrimp

Learn h?w t? make the m?st tender pan-seared garl?c butter sk?llet steak and shr?mp. Y?u w?n�t have t? g? ?ut t? get g??d surf & turf when y?u can make ?t at h?me!

Delicious Garlic Butter Grilled Steak and Shrimp

An ?ncred?ble easy t? make g?urmet steak d?nner that tastes l?ke s?meth?ng ?ut ?f a restaurant! Garl?c Butter Gr?lled Steak & Shr?mp rec?pe ?s ready ?n the table ?n less than 15 m?nutes. Easy t? make and PERFECT f?r the barbecue, ?r gr?ll ?ns?de us?ng a gr?ll pan!

I have been c??k?ng and cater?ng f?r ?ver 40 years. Th?s ?s pr?bably ?ne ?f the BEST d?nners ? have ever made. Typ?cally ?nce ? c??k ?t- ? am n?t as exc?ted t? eat ?t. But th?s ?s d?fferent. ? enj?yed every b?t ?f ?t! S? easy and s? del?c??us.

G??d rec?pes webs?te ? l?ve ?t well d?ne. ? try last n?ght my k?ds say yummy.

Grilling recipes chicken,grilling recipes for chicken,grilling recipes for shrimp,grilling recipes,grilling cheese recipes


  • 6 tablesp??ns unsalted butter, d?v?ded
  • 4 cl?ves garl?c, (?r 1 tablesp??n m?nced garl?c)
  • 1 tablesp??n fresh parsley, ch?pped
  • 1 tablesp??n ?l?ve ??l
  • 4 New Y?rk Steak str?p steaks (P?rterh?use steaks)
  • Salt and pepper
  • 8 ?unces (250 g) shr?mp deve?ned, ta?ls ?n ?r ?ff


  1. M?x t?gether butter, garl?c and fresh ch?pped parsley. Refr?gerate unt?l ready t? use.
  2. Heat a large gr?ll ?ver h?gh heat. L?ghtly grease gr?ll plates w?th ??l. Pat steaks dry w?th paper t?wel. Brush l?ghtly w?th ??l and gener?usly seas?n w?th salt and pepper.
  3. Gr?ll steaks f?r 4-5 m?nutes each s?de unt?l br?wned and c??ked t? des?red d?neness. Spread half ?f the butter all ?ver ?f steaks. Transfer steaks t? a warm plate and let rest f?r 5 m?nutes.
  4. Wh?le steaks are rest?ng, melt rema?n?ng butter. Seas?n shr?mp w?th salt and pepper. 
  5. Reduce heat t? med?um and gr?ll y?ur shr?mp f?r 5-6 m?nutes, depend?ng n?t the s?ze and th?ckness ?f y?ur shr?mp. Fl?p each ?ne halfway thr?ugh c??k t?me and c?nt?nue c??k?ng unt?l they turn n?ce and p?nk ?n c?l?ur wh?le wh?te and ?paque ?n the ?ns?de.
  6. T?ss rema?n?ng butter thr?ugh shr?mp and serve w?th steak!


  1. F?r steaks, y?u can use Str?p, S?rl??n, R?b eye, T-b?ne, Eye f?llet, Sc?tch f?llet ?r P?rterh?use steaks.
  2. Ta?l ?n ?r ?ff shr?mp are f?ne. ?f gr?ll?ng fr?zen shr?mp, thaw f?rst and pat dry w?th paper t?wel bef?re gr?ll?ng.

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