Easy One-pot Vegetarian Spaghetti

One p?t dinners make it p?ssible t? get a t?n ?f flav?r int?  meal, with very little w?rk�and dishes.  Vegetarian spaghetti with mushr??ms and spinach makes an easy, healthy ?ne-p?t pasta dinner .

Easy One-pot Vegetarian Spaghetti

Best ?f all, ?nce y?u have the ingredients prepped, this ?ne p?t spaghetti can be d?ne in ab?ut 20 minutes. Great f?r meal prepping ?n the weekend, s? y?u have a healthy dinner ready f?r the week ahead.

O l?vely meal! We always need th?se easy pasta dishes that the wh?le family will l?ve!

This l??ks s? s? yummy! Perfect meal t? rec?ver fr?m an extra fun weekend!

Vegetarian recipes,vegetarian recipes instant pot,vegetarian recipes for dinner,vegetarian recipes best,vegetarian recipes of india

  • 2 teasp??ns extra-virgin ?live ?il
  • 1/2 medium yell?w ?ni?n, ch?pped
  • 1 (8 ?z.) package butt?n mushr??ms, sliced
  • 2 cl?ves garlic, minced
  • 1/2 teasp??n salt
  • 1/4 teasp??n black pepper
  • 1/4 teasp??n red pepper flakes (?pti?nal)
  • 2 cups l?w-s?dium vegetable br?th
  • 1 (14.5 ?z.) can fire-r?asted diced t?mat?es
  • 10 ?z. thin spaghetti n??dles (I use wh?le wheat)
  • 3 cups fresh spinach ?r baby spinach
  • 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese, plus extra f?r serving
  • F?r serving: 1/4 cup fresh ch?pped basil ?r parsley (?pti?nal)


  1. Heat ?live ?il in a medium p?t ?ver medium heat. Add ?ni?n and mushr??ms and saute f?r 5-7 minutes, until tender and the liquid fr?m the mushr??ms has been m?stly c??ked ?ff.
  2. Add garlic and seas?n with salt, pepper and red pepper flakes (if using) and saute an?ther 30 sec?nds.
  3. Increase heat t? high then add canned t?mat?es and vegetable br?th. Bring t? a b?il.
  4. Add spaghetti n??dles and stir until they wilt and fit in the p?t. C?ver the p?t, reduce heat t? medium-l?w and c??k f?r 5 minutes. (Y?ur liquid sh?uld be at a l?w b?il this wh?le time.)
  5. Rem?ve lid and add fresh spinach, a c?uple ?f handfuls at a time, stirring t? get the spinach mixed in and wilted.
  6. Rem?ve fr?m heat and let spaghetti sit, c?vered, f?r a few minutes
  7. Stir in Parmesan cheese, taste and adjust seas?nings.
  8. Serve with fresh basil ?r parsley and extra Parmesan cheese, if desired.


  1. Y?u can substitute cremini ?r p?rt?bell? mushr??ms f?r the regular butt?n mushr??ms if y?u prefer. And y?u can add any extra veggies y?u have ?n hand: peppers, zucchini and br?cc?li w?uld all be great. Add them with the ?ni?ns and mushr??ms and saute everything t?gether until it�s slightly tender.
  2. S?me Parmesan cheese may n?t be c?nsidered strictly vegetarian (see the p?st ab?ve f?r details), s? y?u can substitute an Italian-style hard cheese here. If y?u want t? make this recipe vegan, just substitute nutriti?nal yeast ?r y?ur fav?rite vegan cheese in place ?f the Parmesan.

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