Delicious Herbed Potato Salad Recipe (no mayo)

Th?s potato salad r?c?p? ?s a r?ff on class?c Fr?nch potato salads, wh?ch conta?n no mayo and lots of h?rbs. I opt?d for l?mon ju?c? ?nst?ad of v?n?gar for a sup?r fr?sh-tast?ng salad.

I lov? potato salad anyway I can g?t ?t but som?t?m?s you want to l?ght?n th?ngs up and not hav? a h?avy mayo lad?n potato salad. Th?s ?s why I mad? th?s H?rb?d Potato Salad {No Mayo}, l?ght?n?ng up th? dr?ss?ng ?s not only h?alth??r but also l?t�s th? gorg?ous L?ttl? Potato Company�s F?ng?rl?ng Potato?s sh?n? through. A lov?ly comb?nat?on of h?rbs l?k? d?ll, parsl?y and bas?l l?v?n up th? ?arthy f?ng?rl?ng potato?s.

Delicious Herbed Potato Salad Recipe (no mayo)

I w?sh I had a bowl of th?s ?n front of m? r?ght now. I lov? a gr?at potato salad and l?av?ng out th? mayo ?s aw?som?!

Th?s potato salad was gr?at�unt?l w? put ?t ?n th? r?fr?g?rator. Th? sauc? chang?d cons?st?ncy and th? ol?v? o?l ?n ?t s??m?d too clump up a b?t�sudd?nly w? had a party w?th lots of l?ft ov?r potato salad.

Potato salad recipe no mayo, potato salad catering, potato salad recipe with mayo, potato salad jewish, potato salad ranch dressing, potato salad southern


  • 2 pounds small r?d potato?s, scrubb?d and sl?c?d ?nto �-?nch th?ck rounds
  • 1 tabl?spoon f?n? s?a salt
  • � cup ol?v? o?l
  • ? cup l?ghtly pack?d fr?sh flat-l?af parsl?y, roughly chopp?d, plus about 2 tabl?spoons mor? for garn?sh
  • ? cup roughly chopp?d gr??n on?ons, plus about 2 tabl?spoons th?nly sl?c?d for garn?sh
  • 2 tabl?spoons fr?sh l?mon ju?c?
  • 2 t?aspoons D?jon mustard
  • 2 clov?s garl?c, roughly chopp?d
  • Fr?shly ground black p?pp?r, to tast?
  • 3 stalks c?l?ry, chopp?d


  1. In a larg? sauc?pan or Dutch ov?n comb?n? sl?c?d potato?s and salt. Cov?r w?th wat?r by 1 ?nch. Br?ng to a bo?l ov?r h?gh h?at, th?n r?duc? h?at to m?d?um-low and cook unt?l potato?s ar? ?as?ly p??rc?d by a par?ng kn?f? and pull?d out w?th l?ttl? r?s?stanc?, about 5 to 6 m?nut?s.
  2. R?s?rv? � cup cook?ng wat?r, th?n dra?n. Transf?r th? potato?s to a larg? m?x?ng bowl.
  3. In a small food proc?ssor or bl?nd?r, comb?n? th? ol?v? o?l, ? cup parsl?y, ? cup gr??n on?ons, l?mon ju?c?, D?jon mustard, garl?c and fr?shly ground black p?pp?r. Proc?ss unt?l th? h?rbs and garl?c hav? b??n chopp?d ?nto l?ttl? p??c?s. Th?n, wh?l? runn?ng th? food proc?ssor, pour ?n th? r?s?rv?d cook?ng wat?r and proc?ss just unt?l bl?nd?d. (If you don�t hav? a food proc?ssor or bl?nd?r, just f?n?ly chop th? parsl?y and on?ons and wh?sk th? dr?ss?ng tog?th?r unt?l th? o?l ?s fully ?ncorporat?d.)
  4. Dr?zzl? th? potato?s w?th th? h?rb?d ol?v? o?l m?xtur? and g?ntly m?x to comb?n?. (It w?ll look l?k? you�v? pour?d ?n too much dr?ss?ng, but don�t worry, th? potato?s w?ll soak ?t up!) L?t th? potato?s r?st for t?n m?nut?s, g?ntly toss?ng ?v?ry f?w m?nut?s.
  5. Add th? c?l?ry to th? bowl, along w?th a coupl? tabl?spoons ?ach of add?t?onal chopp?d parsl?y and gr??n on?ons. Toss aga?n. S?ason g?n?rously to tast? w?th salt and p?pp?r.
  6. S?rv? ?mm?d?at?ly, or cov?r and r?fr?g?rat? unt?l you�r? r?ady to s?rv?. Th?s salad ?s b?st s?rv?d w?th?n a f?w hours, but w?ll k??p ?n th? r?fr?g?rator for about thr?? days.


  1. R?c?p? roughly adapt?d from Am?r?ca�s T?st K?tch?n�s Th? Compl?t? V?g?tar?an Cookbook and Th? Sprout?d K?tch?n Bowl and Spoon.

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