Derby Day Kentucky Mint Julep Recipe

Perfect for Derby Day or any other warm day, th�s cool and refresh�ng m�nt julep rec�pe �s made w�th crushed �ce, an easy s�mple syrup, Kentucky bourbon and fresh m�nt. Th�s �con�c Kentucky cockta�l �s just what you need th�s summer!

Derby Day Kentucky Mint Julep Recipe

There�s really no way to make a non-alcohol�c m�nt julep taste the same as a regular one, s�nce bourbon has a d�st�nct�ve taste.  But here�s how to make a m�nt julep that�s beaut�ful, yet alcohol-free.

M�nt julep �s the off�c�al dr�nk of the derby, w�th over 120,000 m�nt juleps served over the derby weekend each year!  That�s a lot of bourbon!  I�ve never had one of the �nfamous cockta�ls at Church�ll Downs (where the Derby �s run), but th�s �s my sp�n on the class�c m�nt julep!

How to make Derby Day Kentucky M�nt Julep Rec�pe :


Perfect for Derby Day or any other warm day, th�s cool and refresh�ng m�nt julep rec�pe �s made w�th crushed �ce, Kentucky bourbon and fresh m�nt.

Prep T�me   : 5 M�ns  
Cook T�me  : 10 M�ns 
Total T�me   : 15 M�ns


  • 4-5 fresh m�nt leaves, roughly torn
  • 1 1/2 - 2 oz s�mple syrup (rec�pe below �n rec�pe notes)
  • crushed �ce
  • splash of cold water
  • 2 oz bourbon
  • spr�g of fresh m�nt


  1. To bottom of serv�ng glass, add m�nt leaves and s�mple syrup.  Muddle together w�th a muddler or handle of a wooden spoon.  
  2. V�s�t Derby Day Kentucky M�nt Julep Rec�pe @ full �nstruct�ons and rec�pe notes.

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