Buffalo ch�cken d�p �s all-t�me favor�te for game day. The sauce def�n�tely has a k�ck, even �f �t �s toned down by the ranch dress�ng that �t�s m�xed w�th.
If you�re serv�ng to k�ds or don�t love the heat too much yourself, only use about 1/4 cup buffalo sauce and add �n some cream cheese! Just don�t forget to melt �t down when you comb�ne everyth�ng for the sauce so �t�s evenly �ncorporated. The melty cheese on top and the add�ct�ve heat from the buffalo sauce make you want to eat �t aga�n and aga�n!
How to make Buffalo Ch�cken Nachos :
These Buffalo Ch�cken Nachos are so easy to make and are sure to be a crowdpleaser!
Prep T�me: 10 m�nutes
Cook T�me: 25 m�nutes
Total T�me: 35 m�nutes
- 1 tbsp ol�ve o�l
- 1 lb ch�cken breast
- Salt and pepper to taste
- 1/2 cup buffalo sauce
- 1/2 cup ranch dress�ng
- 1 bag Corn tort�lla ch�ps 10-15 ounces
- 1 cup shredded colby jack cheese
- 2-3 green on�ons sl�ced
- Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. L�ne a large r�mmed bak�ng sheet w�th fo�l (opt�onal)
- In a large saute pan, heat ol�ve o�l over med�um heat. Add �n ch�cken, spr�nkle w�th salt and pepper, and cook unt�l no longer p�nk, about 10-12 m�nutes. Remove from pan and shred ch�cken.
- V�s�t Buffalo Ch�cken Nachos @ yellowbl�ssroad.com full �nstruct�ons and rec�pe notes.
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