Crispy Parmesan Roast Potatoes

Potatoes roasted w�th parmesan cheese that get all sort of n�ce and golden brown, cr�spy and good! Ser�ously better than french fr�es!

Crispy Parmesan Roast Potatoes

S�de d�shes are the fun part of a b�g d�nner l�ke Thanksg�v�ng and th�s year I am mak�ng these cr�spy parmesan roast potatoes! You know when you are mak�ng a gr�lled cheese sandw�ch and some cheese oozes out of the sandw�ch, cooks �n the pan and gets all n�ce and cr�spy and all sorts of good? You know, the best part of the gr�lled cheese sandw�ch! Well that�s what these roasted potatoes are all about!

These roast potatoes are melt �n your mouth soft and tender on the �ns�de and cr�spy n the outs�de and just pack w�th melted cheese flavour! Yum! Step as�de French fr�es, there a new k�ng of potatoes �n town!

How to make Cr�spy Parmesan Roast Potatoes :


Potatoes roasted w�th parmesan cheese that get all sort of n�ce and golden brown, cr�spy and good! Ser�ously better than french fr�es!

Prep T�me :10 m�nutes 
Cook T�me :20 m�nutes 
Total T�me :30 m�nutes

  • 1 tablespoon o�l
  • 1 cup parm�g�ano regg�ano (parmesan), grated
  • 1 tablespoon o�l
  • 1 1/2 pounds small (1 to 1.5 �nch d�ameter) potatoes, cut �n half
  • salt and pepper to taste

  1. Brush the o�l on the bottom of a bak�ng d�sh and spr�nkle on the parmesan.
  2. Toss the potatoes �n the o�l, salt and pepper and press �nto the parmesan w�th the cut s�de down.
  3. V�s�t Cr�spy Parmesan Roast Potatoes @ closetcook� full �nstruct�ons and rec�pe notes.

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