Th�s meaty, savory Shepherd�s P�e Rec�pe �s perfect to make now that Fall �s almost upon us. I know that you and your whole fam�ly w�th enjoy th�s rec�pe. It�s so del�c�ous, even non-keto d�eters w�ll ask for seconds!
How to make Shepherd's P�e w�th Rec�pe Caul�flower Topp�ng :
Ground Beef m�xture
- 1 tbsp ol�ve o�l
- 1 small on�on d�ced
- 2 cloves garl�c m�nced
- 1 lb ground beef
- 1 small zucch�n� d�ced
- 1 cup crushed tomatoes
- Salt and pepper
Caul�flower Topp�ng
- 1 small caul�flower cut �nto florets
- 2 tbsp butter
- 1/2 cup heavy cream
- 1/2 cup shredded cheese
- Salt and pepper
Shepherd's P�e
- Heat the ol�ve o�l �n a large saucepan. Add the on�on and garl�c and saut� on med�um heat unt�l soft and translucent.
- Add the ground beef and cook, st�rr�ng frequently, unt�l �t �s browned and cooked through.
Caul�flower Topp�ng
- In a large pot, add caul�flower to bo�l�ng water. Bo�l the caul�flower unt�l soft, about 8-10 m�nutes.
- Dra�n the caul�flower, allow�ng all steam to escape. Dry caul�flower w�ll help make a cream�er mash.
To Assemble.
- Place the ground beef m�xture �n the bottom of a large casserole d�sh. Top w�th the mashed caul�flower
V�s�t Shepherd's P�e w�th Rec�pe Caul�flower Topp�ng @ joyf� for full �nstruct�ons and rec�pe notes.
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