Zucchini Tots

These s�mple keto Zucch�n� Tots from The Ketogen�c Cookbook make a great low-carb snack or s�de d�sh. They are a del�c�ous way to eat your vegg�es.

Zucchini Tots

The rec�pe for zucch�n� tots has been my favor�te so far.  The tots are baked �n a m�n�-muff�n pan. .  Try �t � you w�ll l�ke �t.  It �s also a del�c�ous way to get your k�ds to try zucch�n�, even �f they are not on a keto d�et.

How to make Zucch�n� Tots :


  • 2 cups shredded zucch�n�, about 1 med�um zucch�n�
  • 1 teaspoon f�ne sea salt
  • 1 Tablespoon coconut flour
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 cup shredded sharp cheese, about 4 ounces (or nutr�t�onal yeast �f da�ry-sens�t�ve)
  • 1/2 cup f�nely chopped yellow on�on
  • 1 teaspoon smoked papr�ka


  1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Spray a 24-cup m�n�-muff�n pan w�th cook�ng spray.
  2. Place the shredded zucch�n� �n a med�um-s�zed bowl and toss w�th the salt. Let s�t for 10 to 15 m�nutes. Squeeze out any mo�sture and d�scard the l�qu�d.
  3. Spr�nkle the coconut flour onto the zucch�n� and toss well to coat. Add the eggs, cheddar cheese, on�on, and papr�ka and m�x well to comb�ne.

V�s�t Zucch�n� Tots @ southernk�ssed.com for full �nstruct�ons and rec�pe notes.

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