It�s very s�m�lar �n taste and texture, w�th tender beef sl�ces and del�c�ous b�tes of broccol�.You can make th�s for a qu�ck weekn�ght d�nner for a fam�ly of four, or eas�ly double the �ngred�ents for a larger crowd. Th�s d�sh goes well w�th a var�ety of s�des, �nclud�ng caul�flower r�ce and sp�ral�zed vegetables.
How to make Instant Pot Garl�c Herb Ch�cken and R�ce :
- 1.5 Cup Long Gra�n Basmat� R�ce
- 2 Cup Ch�cken Stock
- 1 tbsp O�l
- 2 tbsp Butter
- 1 large On�on
- 1.5 tbsp Garl�c M�nced
- 1.5 tbsp M�xed Herb (Oregano,Thyme,Parsley)
- 1 tspn Ch�l� Powder
- 1 tbsp Papr�ka
- Salt to taste
- Pepper to taste
- Grated Parmesan to serve
To Season Ch�cken
- 5-6 Ch�cken Th�ghs W�th Bone
- 1 tspn Ch�l� Powder
- 1 tbsp Lemon Ju�ce
- 1 tspn Salt
- 1/2 tspn Pepper
- F�rst measure r�ce. Wash �t unt�l the water runs clear. Dra�n excess water and let �t soak.
- Measure Stock/ water requ�red for cook�ng r�ce and keep �t warm.
- To Ch�cken, th�ghs add salt, pepper, ch�ll� powder, lemon ju�ce. M�x well. Keep as�de wh�le you are prepar�ng other �ngred�ents.
- Turn on the Instant Pot and put �t �n Saute Mode.
- When the Instant Pot �s pre-heated, add O�l.
- Add seasoned Ch�cken Th�ghs to the pot and sear �t 2-3 m�nutes on each s�de. Once they look l�ght golden brown and cr�spy, remove and keep as�de.
- Add butter to the pot, followed by chopped On�on. Saute unt�l On�on looks soft and translucent.
- Add Chopped garl�c and cook for another 30 seconds. Add herbs, Papr�ka, Ch�ll� powder. M�x well.
- Dra�n any extra l�qu�d and add soaked r�ce.
- Gently st�r for 2-3 m�nutes roast r�ce. (Th�s step �s opt�onal, You can d�rectly sk�p to the next step.)
V�s�t Instant Pot Garl�c Herb Ch�cken and R�ce @ theflavoursofk� for full �nstruct�ons and rec�pe notes.
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