Super Decadent Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Fudge Frosting

Just on? bit? of this Super Decadent Chocolate Fudge Cake will hav? you h?ad ov?r h??ls in lov?! And it couldn�t b? ?asi?r to bak?!

Super Decadent Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Fudge Frosting #ChocolateDessert

Th? BEST Chocolat? Fudg? Cak?! Easy to mak?, and sur? to b? your n?w "go to" chocolat? cak? r?cip?. That looks aw?som?! So rich and fudgy and chocolaty, mmmm

For th? Chocolat? Cak?:

  • 1 cup granulat?d sugar
  • 1 cup light brown sugar, pack?d
  • 1 and 3/4 cups all-purpos? flour
  • 1 cup unsw??t?n?d cocoa powd?r
  • 2 t?aspoons baking soda
  • 1 t?aspoon baking powd?r
  • 3/4 t?aspoon salt
  • 2 larg? ?ggs + 1 larg? ?gg yolk, at room t?mp?ratur?
  • 1 cup sour cr?am
  • 1/4 cup whol? milk
  • 1/2 cup m?lt?d coconut oil, canola oil, or v?g?tabl? oil
  • 1 tabl?spoon vanilla ?xtract
  • 1 cup fr?shly br?w?d coff?? or fr?shly boil?d wat?r

For th? Chocolat? Fudg? Frosting:

  • 8 ounc?s s?mi-sw??t or bitt?rsw??t chocolat?, coars?ly chopp?d
  • 20 Tabl?spoons (12 ounc?s) unsalt?d butt?r, soft?n?d
  • 3 and 1/2 cups conf?ction?r's sugar
  • 2 t?aspoons vanilla ?xtract
  • 1/4 t?aspoon salt

For th? Chocolat? Cak?:

  1. Pr?h?at ov?n to 350�(F). G?n?rously spray two 9-inch round baking pans with non-stick baking spray and s?t th?m asid?.
  2. In th? bowl of a stand mix?r fitt?d with th? paddl? attachm?nt, or in a larg? bowl using an ?l?ctric mix?r, combin? both sugars, flour, cocoa, baking soda, baking powd?r and salt on low until ingr?di?nts ar? thoroughly combin?d. S?t asid?.
  3. In a s?parat? larg? mixing bowl, whisk tog?th?r th? ?ggs, yolk, sour cr?am, milk, oil and vanilla, b?ating until w?ll combin?d. Add th? w?t ingr?di?nts into th? dry ingr?di?nts and b?at on low sp??d until just incorporat?d. 

Grab full printable recipe instructions at bakerbynature

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