Easy Keto Chicken Quesadilla (Low Carb, Gluten Free)

This Ch??sy Glut?n Fr?? & Keto Chicken Quesadilla R?cip? can b? Mad? in Und?r 20 Minut?s!!! It's Incr?dibly Easy to Mak? and Tast?s Just Lik? a Traditional M?xican Styl? Qu?sadilla.

Easy Keto Chicken Quesadilla (Low Carb, Gluten Free)  #LowCarbRecipes

Th? Low Carb and K?to Ch??s? Sh?ll is a P?rf?ct Fit for this Classic.

You�ll Wond?r Why you Hav?n�t Tri?d This Soon?r! It Mak?s an Aw?som? On Th? Go Lunch or an Easy to Throw Tog?th?r Dinn?r. It Would also B? Gr?at for Parti?s B?caus? it Can b? Mad? Ah?ad an R?h?at?d in Just a F?w Minut?s.

Keto Chicken Quesadilla

Author: Lyndsay Bak?r
R?cip? typ?: K?to M?xican
Cuisin?: M?xican
S?rv?s: 1 qu?sadilla


  • 1� Cups Mozzar?lla Ch??s?
  • 1� Cups Ch?ddar Ch??s?
  • 1 Cup Cook?d Chick?n
  • � Cup B?ll P?pp?r
  • � Cup Dic?d Tomato
  • ? Cup Gr??n Onion


  1. Pr?h?at ov?n to 400 F. Cov?r a pizza pan with Parchm?nt Pap?r (NOT wax pap?r). Mix th? Ch??s?s tog?th?r, th?n ?v?nly spr?ad th?m ov?r th? parchm?nt pap?r (in a circl? shap?). Bak? th? ch??s? sh?ll for 5 minut?s. Pour off any ?xtra oil as soon as it com?s out of th? ov?n.
  2. Plac? th? chick?n ov?r half of th? ch??s? sh?ll. Th?n add th? slic?d p?pp?rs, dic?d tomato and th? chopp?d gr??n onion. Fold th? Ch??s? sh?ll in half ov?r th? chick?n and v?ggi?s. Pr?ss it firmly, th?n r?turn it to th? ov?n for anoth?r 4- 5 minut?s.
  3. Visit officiallyglutenfree.com for full instructions and recipe notes.

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