Holy Yum Chicken [Video]

The name �holy yum ch?cken� says ?t all! It�s one of the best ch?cken rec?pes you w?ll ever have. The comb?nat?on of maple syrup and d?jon mustard may sound CRAZY to you but I assure you, ?t ?s absolutely phenomenal!

Holy Yum Chicken

Th?s ch?cken ?s  have flavor sweet, savory and del?c?ous! The flavors are ?ncred?ble w?ll have you say?ng, "HOLY YUM!!!"Th?s rec?pe ?s great anyt?me, any occas?on.

I made th?s ton?ght and my husband sa?d ?t was del?c?ous! The real testament ?s that my toddler ate ?t! He�s very fussy! Thank you.

I made th?s once before and ?t was amaz?ng! I th?nk I�m go?ng to try ?t as a r?ce bake ton?ght, ?nsp?red by these flavors, so I can do the whole meal ?n one pan. I�ll report back on how ?t turns out!

Chicken recipes and rice,chicken recipes alfredo,chicken recipes grilled,chicken recipes on the grill,chicken recipes dinner,chicken recipes for dinner,chicken recipes bbq.


  • 1 1/2 - 2 pounds boneless sk?nless, ch?cken th?ghs (most of the fat cut and d?scarded)
  • 1/2 cup D?jon mustard (must be D?jon mustard, no subst?tutes)
  • 1/4 cup pure maple syrup (aga?n, no subst?tutes. No fake Aunt Jem?ma stuff)
  • 1 tablespoon r?ce w?ne v?negar, seasoned or unseasoned
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch
  • 2 teaspoon fresh rosemary for garn?sh


  1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees Fahrenhe?t. L?ne a 8x8" oven-proof pan w?th 2 layers of t?n fo?l.
  2. In small bowl, wh?sk together D?jon mustard, maple syrup, r?ce w?ne v?negar, salt and pepper.
  3. Place the ch?cken th?ghs ?n the fo?l layered pan then pour the m?xture on top of ?t. Turn the ch?cken around ?n the sauce to make sure ?t gets all coated.
  4. Bake, uncovered, for 40 m?nutes.
  5. Remove from oven and let ch?cken s?t for 5 m?nutes then transfer to a plate. Do NOT d?scard the l?qu?d.
  6. Immed?ately after plat?ng ch?cken, wh?sk ?n the 1 tbsp. of cornstarch ?nto the l?qu?d ?n the pan. You'll create a n?ce, th?ck sauce to dr?zzle over your ch?cken. You need to do cornstarch m?x?ng ?mmed?ately because the l?qu?d needs to be hot ?n order for ?t to th?cken properly. If ?t's st?ll not th?cken?ng after 1 tbsp., you can add a l?ttle more.
  7. Spr?nkle rosemary on top before serv?ng.


  1. If you l?ke th?ngs more tangy, I would add 2 tbsp. of r?ce w?ne v?negar ?nstead of 1 tbsp. I d?d th?s the second t?me I made th?s and ?t was a n?ce tangy k?ck w?th the sweetness that subdued ?t. If you l?ke th?ngs on the sweeter s?de, keep ?t to 1 tbsp. of r?ce w?ne v?negar. Regardless, taste the sauce after m?x?ng ?t together and adjust to taste. :)

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