Quick & Easy Vegan Ramen

Th�s qu�ck & easy vegan ramen �s a del�c�ous homemade soup that �s perfect for a cold or ra�ny day. It�s f�lled w�th ramen noodles & soft tofu and comes together �n less than 30 m�nutes!

Quick & Easy Vegan Ramen

Th�s qu�ck & easy vegan ramen �s EVERYTHING. Ser�ously. Homemade �s the only way to go. The best part of th�s ramen has got to be how qu�ck and s�mple �t �s to throw together. Maybe not as qu�ck and s�mple as a Ramen packet where you just throw some flavour�ng �nto a pot, but hey, that�s the trade off for healthy, natural homemade ramen made w�th love.

What makes th�s rec�pe so great, �s the homemade ramen season�ng. Yes ramen season�ng �s easy to f�nd �n the grocery store and conven�ent to use. Really �t �s not hard to make the season�ng of trad�t�on ramen.

How to make Qu�ck & Easy Vegan Ramen :


Th�s ramen soup �s perfect for a cozy n�ght �n and comes together �n less than 30 m�nutes!

Prep T�me: 7 m�nutes  
Cook T�me: 13 m�nutes  
Total T�me: 20 m�nutes


  • 2 tbsp avocado o�l (or vegetable o�l)
  • 4 green on�on, chopped �nto 1-�nch p�eces
  • 4 garl�c cloves, cut �n halves
  • 3-�nch cube of g�nger, cut �nto 4 p�eces
  • 1 oz dr�ed sh�take mushrooms (about 15�20 dr�ed sh�take, can sub fresh sh�take)
  • 1-l�tre vegetable broth
  • 1 cup water
  • 2 tbsp soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp m�so paste (wh�te or red)
  • 1 tsp agave (or maple syrup)
  • 1 block soft tofu, cut �nto small cubes
  • 2 packs vegan ramen noodles
  • sp�nach, c�lantro, & green on�ons to garn�sh


  1. Heat the avocado o�l �n a large pot on med�um-h�gh heat.
  2. Add the green on�on, garl�c and g�nger to the pot and saute for 2 m�nutes.
  3. Next, add the dr�ed sh�take mushrooms and saute for another 2 m�nutes.
  4. Add the vegetable broth, water, soy sauce, m�so paste and agave and br�ng to a bo�l, m�x�ng well unt�l everyth�ng �s comb�ned, then reduce heat to low, cover & let s�mmer for 10 m�nutes.
  5. V�s�t Qu�ck & Easy Vegan Ramen @ choosingchia.com full �nstruct�ons and rec�pe notes.

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