authentic mexican guacamole

A perfectly r�pe avocado � the k�nd you want for th�s rec�pe � �s purple-black �n color and y�elds to gentle pressure. An over-r�pe avocado �s black and mushy.

authentic mexican guacamole

Although there are plenty of var�at�ons on th�s trad�t�onal Mex�can favor�te, let me tell you � from Cal�forn�a to Mex�co th�s �s the best guacamole rec�pe I�ve found.

How to make authent�c mex�can guacamole :


  • 3 Haas Avocados
  • 1/4 cup red on�on, f�nely d�ced
  • 1/4 cup Roma tomatoes, f�nely d�ced
  • 1/4 cup c�lantro leaves, chopped (no stems)
  • 1 Jalapeno or Serrano ch�le (about 1 tablespoon), f�nely d�ced
  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt (or maybe a l�ttle b�t more!)
  • 1 tablespoon l�me ju�ce, squeeze the ju�ce from 3 key l�mes
  • Opt�onal Garn�sh: c�lantro leaves on stems, or spr�nkl�ng of Mex�can Cot�ja Cheese


  1. Us�ng a kn�fe or avocado tool, sl�ce avocados �n half. Reserve the p�ts for later.
  2. Remove the peels and place the avocado �n a bowl.
  3. Mash the avocados unt�l the cons�stency �s smooth w�th just a few small lumps.
  4. Add rema�n�ng �ngred�ents to the bowl. Gently fold all �ngred�ents together.

V�s�t authent�c mex�can guacamole @ confett�andbl� for full �nstruct�ons and rec�pe notes.

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