Teriyaki Marinated Meal Prep

Th�s ter�yak�-mar�nated ch�cken meal prep �s an easy rec�pe perfect for next week�s lunches! Everyth�ng about th�s rec�pe �s homemade, �nclud�ng the mar�nade and sauce poured over the ch�cken.

Teriyaki Marinated Meal Prep

Mar�nate ch�cken th�ghs for two hours �n a homemade ter�yak� mar�nade, fry the ch�cken, then serve w�th steamed vegetables and r�ce! Pack �n 4 conta�ners, then you're good for the week!

How to make Ter�yak� Mar�nated Meal Prep :


  • 1 cup soy sauce
  • 1/2 cup 2 tbsp brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/4 cup m�r�n
  • 1/2 tsp garl�c powder
  • 2 tbsp honey
  • 1/4 tsp cornstarch
  • 2 tbsp canola o�l
  • 1.5 lbs sk�nless ch�cken th�ghs, sl�ced
  • steamed r�ce
  • steamed vegetables


  1. In a resealable bag, comb�ne soy sauce, brown sugar, water, m�r�n, garl�c powder, and honey. M�x well then reserve 1/3 cup of l�qu�d �n a small bowl. Place ch�cken �n bag and mar�nate 2 hours. 
  2. Dra�n mar�nade from ch�cken and d�scard. In med�um pan, heat o�l. Place ch�cken �n pan and cook unt�l no longer p�nk and ch�cken becomes cr�spy (about 3-5 m�nutes). Remove ch�cken and allow to cool.

V�s�t Ter�yak� Mar�nated Meal Prep @ gutomg�rl.com for full �nstruct�ons and rec�pe notes.

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