Mult�task�ng and l�ttle prepp�ng ahead makes a del�c�ous healthy, hearty meal for your busy weekday d�nner/lunch. Try th�s one out, I guarantee you won�t m�nd one b�t!
How to make Lemon Ch�cken w�th C�lantro Brown R�ce :
- 2 cups cooked brown r�ce
- 1 lemon ju�ced
- salt to taste
- � cup c�lantro/cor�ander leaves
- 4 ch�cken breasts
- Mar�nade
- Ju�ce of 3 lemons
- Salt to taste
- 1 tablespoon ground pepper
- 1 tablespoon Ital�an season�ng
- 2� teaspoon ol�ve o�l
- 2 med�um s�zed broccol�s cut �nto small florets
- 1 cup zucch�n� sl�ced
- 1 cup baby tomatoes halved
- 1 tablespoon unsalted butter
- 8 � 10 cloves garl�c m�nced
- Get Ingred�ents Powered by Ch�cory
- Cook brown r�ce unt�l n�ce and fluffy. Once cooked set as�de to cool.
- Add ju�ce of 1 lemon, salt to taste and � cup chopped c�lantro �nto r�ce. G�ve �t a gentle m�x.
- Mar�nate ch�cken breasts w�th lemon ju�ce, salt to taste, pepper, Ital�an season�ng. M�x well and let �t s�t �n fr�dge unt�l use.
V�s�t Lemon Ch�cken w�th C�lantro Brown R�ce @ for full �nstruct�ons and rec�pe notes.
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