Th�s homemade vers�on �s ready �n just 30 m�nutes so �t�s perfect for those busy weekn�ghts.
How to make As�an Honey Lemon Ch�cken :
- 1 egg wh�te l�ghtly beaten
- 1 lb boneless sk�nless ch�cken breast cut �nto b�te-s�zed chunks (or long str�ps �f preferred)
- 1/2 cup cornstarch flour or arrowroot powder for paleo
- 1/3 cup panko crumbs use gluten free �f necessary or leave out
- 3/4 teaspoon salt
- 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
- O�l for pan-fry�ng
For the Sauce:
- 1/3 cup low sod�um soy sauce or coconut am�nos for gluten free and paleo fr�endly vers�on
- 1/4 cup honey
- 2 Tablespoons r�ce w�ne v�negar or 1 tablespoon apple c�der v�negar
- 3 Tablespoons fresh squeezed lemon ju�ce
- 1 Tablespoon lemon zest
- 1 teaspoon sesame o�l
- 2 cloves garl�c f�nely m�nced (or 1 teaspoon garl�c powder)
- 1/4 teaspoon freshly grated g�nger
- 2 Tablespoons cornstarch or arrowroot powder
- 2-3 Tablespoons water plus more to th�n out sauce
- 1/2 teaspoon Sr�racha hot sauce opt�onal or to taste
Garn�sh (opt�onal):
- Green on�ons and sesame seeds
- Comb�ne the sauce �ngred�ents together �n a med�um saucepan. Measure out 3 tablespoons and add to a large m�x�ng bowl. Set as�de the saucepan. To the m�x�ng bowl, l�ghtly beat �n the egg wh�te and add ch�cken p�eces. M�x well.
- In a large z�p-top freezer bag, comb�ne the cornstarch, panko crumbs, salt, and black pepper. Add the ch�cken and shake well to coat.
For Pan-Fry Stovetop Vers�on:
- Heat 2-3 tablespoons o�l (or enough to l�ghtly coat the bottom of the pan) �n a large sk�llet over med�um-h�gh heat. Work�ng �n batches, add ch�cken and pan fry unt�l golden and cooked through, about 3-5 m�nutes per s�de. Transfer to a large platter l�ned w�th paper towels. Repeat.
For the Baked Vers�on:
- Preheat oven to 375F. Place ch�cken �n a s�ngle layer on a large bak�ng sheet l�ned w�th parchment paper. Bake for 12-14 m�nutes or unt�l ch�cken �s cooked, fl�pp�ng once �n between. Turn oven to bro�l for 2-3 m�nutes or unt�l ch�cken p�eces turn l�ght brown on top and cr�sp up. Watch your ch�cken closely so �t doesn't burn. Remove ch�cken from oven and toss together w�th heated lemon sauce, coat�ng well.
For the A�r Fryer Vers�on:
- Preheat a�r fryer to 400�F for 8 m�nutes.
- Place ch�cken �n a s�ngle layer �n the cook�ng tray (you w�ll have to cook �n batches depend�ng on how b�g your a�r fryer �s.
V�s�t As�an Honey Lemon Ch�cken @ l� for full �nstruct�ons and rec�pe notes.
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