How To Make Chocolate Mousse [+Video]

Th?s Easy Ch?c?late M?usse rec?pe has a few steps�but trust me n?ne are hard at all�AND l?ke I sa?d bef?re th?s ?s a great rec?pe t? use, ?t�s stable en?ugh t? layer between cakes, ?r even stand ?n ?t�s ?wn.

How To Make Chocolate Mousse

Ch?c?late M?usse may well be the ult?mate ch?c?late f?x! R?ch and creamy, yet l?ght and fluffy, ?ne p?t ?s sat?sfy?ng but always leaves me want?ng m?re��.

Th?s ?s a class?c ch?c?late m?usse made the pr?per French way, as served ?n f?ne d?n?ng restaurants. Less cream, m?re ch?c?late, a m?re ?ntense ch?c?late flav?ur and a beaut?ful creamy m?uth feel.

Th?s m?usse l??ks s? amaz?ng. I w?uld be hard pressed n?t t? st?ck my f?ngers r?ght ?n.

H?. I just made th?s rec?pe w?th?ut the egg y?lks as I had l?ts ?f egg wh?tes left ?ver. It w?rked really well! I haven�t tr?ed ?t w?th the y?lks, but ?t was st?ll l?ght and r?ch en?ugh and a great way t? use up egg wh?tes. I wh?pped the cream, f?lded ?n the ch?c?late then the egg wh?tes as per the rec?pe. Del?c??us!

Ch?c?late desserts easy,easy desserts w?th ch?c?late,ch?c?late desserts easy rec?pes,ch?c?late peanut butter desserts easy,ch?c?late desserts easy qu?ck.

  • 3 eggs (~55g/2 ?z each)
  • 125 g / 4.5 ?z dark ch?c?late , b?ttersweet / 70% c?c?a (N?te 1)
  • 10 g / 0.3 ?z / 2 tsp unsalted butter
  • 125 ml / 1/2 cup cream , full fat (N?te 2)
  • 35 g / 3 tbsp caster sugar (superf?ne wh?te sugar)

  • M?re wh?pped cream
  • Ch?c?late shav?ngs (N?te 3)
  1. Separate eggs and y?lks wh?le eggs are c?ld. Place wh?tes ?n a large b?wl and y?lks ?n a small b?wl. Leave wh?tes wh?le y?u prepare ?ther ?ngred?ents. (N?te 4)
  2. Y?lks: Wh?sk y?lks.
  3. Melt Ch?c?late: Place ch?c?late and butter ?n a b?wl. Melt ?n the m?cr?wave ?n 30 sec?nd bursts, st?rr?ng ?n between, unt?l sm??th. Set as?de t? c??l - pr?ceed w?th ?ther steps.
  4. Cream: Beat cream unt?l st?ff peaks f?rm (see v?de?).
  5. Wh?tes: Add sugar. Beat wh?tes unt?l f?rm peaks f?rm (see v?de?, N?te 5)
  7. F?ld egg y?lks ?nt? cream us?ng a rubber spatula - 8 f?lds max. Streaks ?s ?k.
  8. Check Ch?c?late Temp: T?uch the ch?c?late. Sh?uld st?ll be runny but ?nly lukewarm. If t?? th?ck, m?cr?wave 2 x 3 sec?nds unt?l runny.
  9. P?ur ch?c?late ?nt? cream y?lk m?xture. F?ld thr?ugh - 8 f?lds max. Streaks ?k.
  10. Add 1/4 ?f beaten egg wh?tes ?nt? ch?c?late m?xture. F?ld thr?ugh unt?l ?nc?rp?rated - "smear" the spatular acr?ss surface t? blend wh?te lumps ?n - a?m f?r 10 f?lds. 
  11. P?ur ch?c?late m?xture ?nt? egg wh?tes. F?ld thr?ugh unt?l ?nc?rp?rated and n? m?re wh?te lumps rema?n - a?m f?r 12 f?lds max.
  12. D?v?de m?xture between 4 small glasses ?r p?ts. Refr?gerate f?r at least 5 h?urs, preferably ?vern?ght.
  13. T? serve, garn?sh w?th cream and ch?c?late shav?ngs. Raspberr?es and a t?ny spr?g ?f m?nt f?r c?l?ur w?uld als? be l?vely!
  1. Ch?c?late: Ensure y?u use COOKING ch?c?late, n?t eat?ng ch?c?late. C??k?ng ch?c?late (bak?ng a?sle) ?s made f?r c??k?ng w?th - melts sm??thly and ?s th?nner than eat?ng ch?c?late. If y?u use eat?ng ch?c?late, the m?usse ?s denser (I tr?ed).
  2. B?ttersweet dark ch?c?late and 70% c?c?a dark ch?c?late ?s best t? get a g??d ch?c?latey flav?ur. The 70% c?c?a s?ld at supermarkets ?n Austral?a ?s ?deal (Nestle Pla?st?we, Cadbury and L?ndt 70% all w?rk well) - these are b?ttersweet ch?c?lates.
  3. 2. Cream: Must use wh?pp?ng cream (there are s?me creams ?nly f?r p?ur?ng that d?n't wh?p). Must be full fat - n?w ?s n?t the t?me t? g? l?w fat!
  4. 3. Ch?c?late Shav?ngs: Use a small kn?fe and scrape at a l?w angle ?n the flat s?de ?f a bl?ck ?f ch?c?late.
  5. 4. Eggs t?p: It's eas?er t? separate wh?tes fr?m y?lks when eggs are c?ld, but wh?tes at r??m temp fluff up better when cl?ser t? r??m temp. S? separate the eggs when fr?dge c?ld then set as?de wh?le y?u prep the ?ther ?ngred?ents t? let the wh?tes c?me t? r??m temp a b?t.

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