Frozen Chocolate Covered Bananas Recipe (+video)

The perfect treat f?r a h?t ?ummer day, frozen chocolate Covered bananas are ea?y t? make and l??k ?? fun!

Frozen Chocolate Covered Bananas Recipe (+video)

F?r a healthier, ea?y de??ert with ?nly 2 ingredient?, frozen chocolate Covered bananas are ab??lutely delici?u?. 

Y?u can u?e thi? recipe t? ?ub?titute any fruit ?f ch?ice fr?m ?trawberrie? t? blueberrie? t? apric?t? and m?re. Get y?ur p?ta??ium fr?m the banana? and y?ur anti?xidant? fr?m the p?lyphen?l? in the dark ch?c?late f?r a ?uperf??d de??ert. Cheer? t? ?weetne??.

Yummy, fun, ea?y!...And ??mewhat healthy! I f?ll?wed the recipe a? i? and it turned ?ut perfect!

L?ve Ch?c. C?vered banana?.. Never th?ught t? make them my?elf!! 

Frozen chocolate covered bananas,frozen hot chocolate recipe,frozen hot chocolate from serendipity,frozen hot chocolate serendipity,frozen chocolate.


  • 3 banana?
  • 1/2-3/4 cup ch?c?late chip?
  • 2 t?p c?c?nut ?il
  • t?pping? (?prinkle?, ch?pped nut?, etc)


  1. Cut banana? in half and in?ert p?p?icle ?tick? int? flat edge.  Freeze f?r at lea?t ?ne h?ur until hard.
  2. Melt ch?c?late chip? and c?c?nut ?il in micr?wave by heating f?r 30 ?ec?nd? at a time and ?tirring.  C?ntinue until ch?c?late melted.
  3. Rem?ve banana? fr?m freezer.  C?at in ch?c?late then r?ll in t?pping.?
  4. Freeze c?ated banana? until hard, ab?ut ?ne h?ur.

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