Chocolate Lava Cake Recipe [+Video]

Chocolate Lava Cake m?ght be ?ne ?f my fav?r?te th?ngs ?n the ent?re planet. S? that means th?s rec?pe ?s part?cularly danger?us.
It�s t?? qu?ck and easy n?t t? want t? make these bab?es all the t?me.

Chocolate Lava Cake Recipe

They l??k s? c?mpl?cated and ?nt?m?dat?ng, l?ke s?meth?ng y?u�d ?nly get t? ?ndulge ?n at a restaurant.

Chocolate Lava Cake are ultra r?ght, decadent, and g?urmet but surpr?s?ngly s?mple! Make them f?r Valent?ne's Day th?s year, just f?ll?w the v?de? t? see h?w they're made. Can be made ahead ?f t?me!

My fav?r?te�.n?th?ng beats th?s dessert! Thanks f?r the rec?pe.

Thanks s? much f?r u rec?pe, ? made ?t !! Lava cake s? del?c??us and yummy yummy yummy !! I l?ve u rec?pe.

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  • 3 eggs
  • 4 tbsp sugar
  • 6 ?unce (170 g) dark ch?c?late
  • 2 tbsp fl?ur
  • 1 st?ck (110 g) butter
  • 1 tsp van?lla extract
  • p?nch ?f salt
  1. Butter s?x ramek?ns, ?r alum?num muff?ns m?lds and dust w?th fl?ur.  
  2. Melt ch?c?late and butter ?ver a ba?n-mar?e unt?l sm??th. Meanwh?le beat the eggs w?th sugar and salt us?ng a wh?sk ?r m?xer unt?l th?ck and l?ght yell?w. M?x ?n van?lla extract and fl?ur.  Gradually add the melted ch?c?late and st?r well. P?ur m?xture ?nt? the prepared m?lds.  
  3. V�s�t https://b? full �nstruct�?ns and rec�pe n?tes.

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