Easy Instant Pot Orange Chicken

Instant Pot Orange Chicken i? healthier than take?ut and ea?y t? make u?ing y?ur In?tant P?t. Made with fre?h ?range juice and ?range ze?t f?r great flav?r. Thi? ea?y recipe i? made with ?imple ingredient? and it�? ready in le?? than 30 minute?.

The Instant Pot Orange Chicken i? made entirely in the In?tant P?t, ?? le?? di?he? f?r y?u t? clean. Made with ?range juice and ?range ze?t, give? the di?h an amazing fre?h ar?ma. Sweet and hearty, ?erved ?ver br?wn rice, thi? dinner i? ?? much healthier than take?ut and al?? budget friendly, a? y?u will have left?ver? that ta?te great.

Easy Instant Pot Orange Chicken

Thi? i? ?imple t? make, quick, and delici?u?. I u?ed c?c?nut amin?? in?tead ?f ??y ?auce and it turned ?ut great. It�? a keeper recipe f?r thi? h?u?eh?ld.

I made thi? la?t night and it wa? perfecti?n! Way better than any take ?ut place! Adding thi? t? the li?t t? make again and again-thank y?u ?? much f?r a great recipe!

Instant pot recipes healthy,instant pot recipes vegan,instant pot recipes app,instant pot recipes dinner,instant pot recipes kids


  •  2 lb? chicken brea?t ?r thigh? cut int? 1-2 inch piece?
  •  2 table?p??n? vegetable ?il


  •  1 cup ?range juice n? ?ugar added
  •  1 table?p??n ginger grated
  •  6 cl?ve? garlic* minced
  •  1 table?p??n rice wine ?r dry white wine**
  •  1/2 cup t?mat? ?auce ?pti?nal
  •  � cup granulated ?ugar
  •  � cup br?wn ?ugar
  •  � cup lite ??y ?auce
  •  1 table?p??n Sriracha***
  •  ze?t fr?m 1 ?range

C?rn?tarch Slurry:

  •  2 table?p??n? c?rn?tarch
  •  2 table?p??n? ?range juice


  •  4 green ?ni?n? ?liced
  •  extra ?range ze?t


  1. It i? imp?rtant f?r the chicken n?t t? have any extra m?i?ture, dry it with a few paper t?wel? and after that cut the chicken int? 1-2 inch chunk?.
  2. Heat up y?ur pre??ure c??ker: pre?? Saut� -> click ?n the Adju?t butt?n -> ?elect M?re t? get the Saut� M?re functi?n, which mean? that the f??d will be ?aut�ed ?ver medium-high heat. Wait f?r the In?tant P?t indicat?r t? read HOT.
  3. Add the ?il t? the h?t In?tant P?t, add the chicken and ?aut� f?r 2-3 minute?, ?tirring a few time?. C??k until it ju?t ?tart? t? get g?lden. When ?aut�ing it, ?tir c?n?tantly ?? it d?e?n't ?tick t? the b?tt?m ?f the pan.
  4. Al??, after y?u ?aut� the chicken, check if bit? ?tuck t? the b?tt?m, in that ca?e, deglaze the p?t with 1/4 cup ?range juice and ?crape them with a w??den ?p??n. If y?u leave the bit? ?tuck t? the b?tt?m, they may burn ?r cau?e the p?t n?t t? c?me t? pre??ure.
  5. If y?u want a truly g?lden-br?wn chicken, br?wn it ?n the ?t?ve t?p, a? the In?tant P?t i?n't really g??d f?r that.
  6. Add the Sauce ingredient? t? the p?t: remaining 3/4 cup? ?f ?range juice, minced garlic, ginger, ??y ?auce, white ?ugar, br?wn ?ugar, rice wine, ?range ze?t and Sriracha ?auce. Y?u can ?kip the Sriracha ?auce ?r add m?re if y?u prefer y?ur f??d ?n the ?picier ?ide.
  7. Add the t?mat? ?auce if y?u are u?ing it. The t?mat? ?auce add? a tangine?? t? the ?verall ?weet recipe, and it make? it ta?te m?re ?av?ry. It i? ba?ed ?n y?ur ?wn preference. I like it b?th way?: with and with?ut the ?auce. Y?u can u?e le??, ?r c?mpletely leave it ?ut if y?u want a pure ?range ar?ma.
  8. Stir gently until all the ingredient? are c?mbined and c?ated in ?auce.
  9. Cl??e lid, ?elect Manual, and ?elect 5 minute? ?n High Pre??ure. Make ?ure the vent i? cl??ed.
  10. U?e a 10 minute Natural Relea?e. Turn ?ff the heat. Relea?e the remaining pre??ure by ?pening the vent. Open the lid.
  11. Select again the Saut� functi?n, ?n LOW. In a medium b?wl c?mbine 2 table?p??n? ?f c?rn?tarch with the ?range juice, whi?k until all c?mbined with n? lump?. 
  12. Add the mixture t? the In?tant P?t and gently ?tir t? c?mbine. C??k ?n Saut� functi?n f?r a few m?re minute?, ?tirring gently, until the ?auce thicken?. Simmer f?r 2-3 minute?.
  13. If y?u want the ?auce even thicker, mix ?ne m?re table?p??n ?f c?rn?tarch with ?range juice and add it t? the p?t.
  14. Let the Orange Chicken ?tand f?r 5-7 minute?, the ?auce will thicken m?re. 
  15. Serve ?ver rice and garni?h with fre?h ch?pped green ?ni?n? and extra ?range ze?t.

  1. I l?ve the extra garlic in thi? di?h, f?r ??me pe?ple it may be t?? much, y?u can u?e 3-4 cl?ve? ?nly, if y?u are n?t a huge garlic fan.
  2. Y?u can al?? ?kip it if y?u d?n't have any ?n hand.
  3. Y?u can add m?re ?r le?? Sriracha ?r ?kip it entirely, ba?ed ?n preference ?r u?e red pepper flake?.

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