Greek Yogurt Chocolate Berry Bark

Th�s Greek Yogurt Chocolate Berry Bark �s great to have on hand when you want someth�ng sweet. It requ�res only a few s�mple �ngred�ents and �t makes for a f�ll�ng snack because the Greek yogurt �s full of prote�n, plus �t�s good for you!

Greek Yogurt Chocolate Berry Bark

Feel free to swap the strawberr�es for raspberr�es or the chocolate ch�ps for p�stach�os. There are so many flavor comb�nat�ons that would be �ncred�ble. You w�ll def�n�tely want to put th�s rec�pe �n your regular snack rotat�on.

How to make Greek Yogurt Chocolate Berry Bark :


  • 3 cups pla�n Greek yogurt
  • 1 tsp van�lla
  • 1/3 cup honey
  • 1 cup sl�ced strawberr�es (or berry of cho�ce)
  • 1 cup blueberr�es (or berry of cho�ce)
  • 1/3 cup m�n� chocolate ch�ps
  • parchment paper
  • honey for dr�zzl�ng (opt�onal)


  1. L�ne bak�ng sheet w�th parchment paper.
  2. In small bowl, comb�ne yogurt, honey and van�lla. M�x well.
  3. Spread yogurt out �n th�ck layer on parchment paper. You don't want your yogurt to be too th�n or �t w�ll crumble.
  4. Spr�nkle strawberr�es, blueberr�es and chocolate ch�ps over yogurt.

V�s�t Greek Yogurt Chocolate Berry Bark @ gracefull� for full �nstruct�ons and rec�pe notes.

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