Creamy savory flavor bomb ch�cken roll-ups are leg�t a meal that EVERYONE �n your fam�ly w�ll love. They�re full of vegg�es (totally h�dden) ch�cken and creamy cheese. The best part �s the sauce!


Del�c�ous, easy, comfort�ng and sure to please the whole fam�ly

How to make Ch�cken Lasagna Roll-ups :


  • 4 ch�cken breasts cooked and shredded or 1 rot�sser�e ch�cken I prefer rot�sser�e ch�cken because of �ts flavor.
  • 1 tsp salt*
  • 4 TBS butter
  • 1/4 cup on�on m�nced
  • 1/4 cup bell pepper m�nced red, yellow or orange. the sweeter var�ety
  • 1 garl�c clove, m�nced
  • 1 roma tomato d�ed small
  • 5 TBS flour
  • 4 cups broth*
  • 1/4-1/2 cup heavy cream
  • 3 cups mozzarella cheese
  • 12 cooked lasagna noodles


  1. In sk�llet add butter, on�on, bell pepper, garl�c, tomato. Saut� over med-low heat unt�l very softened. Turn up heat to med-h�gh. Add flour and cook for a few more m�nutes. Slowly wh�sk �n 4 cups of broth*. 
  2. Br�ng to a s�mmer. When sauce �s th�ckened to des�re cons�stency turn off heat and add 1/4 cup of cream. You can add up to 1/2 cup �f you prefer �t more creamy.

V�s�t Ch�cken Lasagna Roll-ups @ ohsodel�c� for full �nstruct�ons and rec�pe notes.

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