Th�s rec�pe was �nsp�red by the age-old problem, how to use up overr�pe bananas.
Luck�ly there are lots of yummy th�ngs you can do w�th overr�pe bananas. Banana bread �s really the f�rst th�ng that comes to m�nd, but somet�mes that �s a l�ttle more trouble than I have the energy or t�me to tackle.
How to make pan fr�ed c�nnamon bananas :
- 2 bananas
- 2 tablespoons sugar
- 1 teaspoon c�nnamon
- 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
- Sl�ce the bananas �nto rounds, approx�mately 1/3 �nch th�ck.
- In a small bowl, comb�ne the sugar, c�nnamon, and nutmeg (�f des�red). Set as�de.
- L�ghtly spray a large sk�llet w�th nonst�ck o�l spray. Warm over med�um heat.
- Add the banana rounds and spr�nkle 1/2 of the c�nnamon m�xture on top.
- Cook for about 2-3 m�nutes.
V�s�t pan fr�ed c�nnamon bananas @ d� for full �nstruct�ons and rec�pe notes.
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