Ch�nese Honey Ch�cken �s a l�ght and cr�spy tempura battered ch�cken d�sh tossed w�th a sweetened honey sauce made w�th just 6 total �ngred�ents �n 20 m�nutes!


The secret to the rec�pe �s really the m�n�mal �ngred�ents �n the bread�ng wh�ch allow the creamy honey sauce to be the star of the show. The egg wh�tes add a l�ght taste wh�le the cornstarch keeps th�ngs really cr�spy. It�s a take on a class�c tempura rec�pe

How to make Chinese honey chicken :


  • 4 large egg wh�tes
  • 3/4 cup cornstarch (or Moch�ko Sweet R�ce Flour)
  • 1/3 cup water
  • 1 pound ch�cken breast , cut �nto 1 �nch th�n chunks
  • vegetable o�l , for fry�ng
  • 1/2 cup mayonna�se
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • 2 tablespoons sweetened condensed m�lk

Note: cl�ck on t�mes �n the �nstruct�ons to start a k�tchen t�mer wh�le cook�ng.

  1. In a large bowl add the egg wh�tes and wh�sk unt�l foamy (1-2 m�nutes) before wh�sk�ng �n the cornstarch and water unt�l comb�ned and f�nally fold�ng �n the ch�cken.
  2. Heat three �nches of o�l on med�um-h�gh heat (to 350 degrees) �n a large pot  and add the ch�cken p�eces �n 2 batches fry�ng unt�l golden brown, about 2-3 m�nutes per batch.

  3. In a large bowl m�x the mayonna�se, honey and sweetened condensed m�lk then toss the just fr�ed ch�cken �nto �t just before serv�ng.

V�s�t CHINESE HONEY CHICKEN @ d� for full �nstruct�ons and rec�pe notes.

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