Breakfast Sweet Potat-�Oats�

Th�s r�ch and creamy sweet potato oatmeal �s made my blend�ng baked sweet potato w�th oats, along w�th a touch of c�nnamon and pecans.

Breakfast Sweet Potat-�Oats�

Baked sweet potatoes are a great way to add cream�ness, sweetness and flavor to your morn�ng oatmeal, not to ment�on loads of v�tam�ns and nutr�t�ous stuff l�ke that. I�ve added pecans and ra�s�ns for some add�t�onal texture and flavor, but you can exper�ment w�th your favor�te oatmeal topp�ngs

How to make Breakfast Sweet Potat-�Oats� :


  • 1 cup sweet potat-�oats� (d�rect�ons below)
  • 1/3 cup crushed r�pe banana (about 1 med�um banana)
  • 1/4 cup almond m�lk
  • � teaspoon c�nnamon
  • P�nch of salt
  • Top w�th: banana, walnuts and/or almond butter


  1. In a small bowl comb�ne sweet potat-�oats�, banana, almond m�lk, c�nnamon and salt. M�crowave for about 3 m�nutes or unt�l cooked. I topped m�ne w�th sl�ced banana, walnuts and a dr�zzle of almond butter!
  2. V�s�t Breakfast Sweet Potat-�Oats� @ l�ttleb� full �nstruct�ons and rec�pe notes.

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