Th�s A�r Fryer Buffalo Caul�flower rec�pe �s based on my Avocado A�r Fr�es, though as you�ll see, I�ve monkeyed w�th �t a b�t to get th�s rec�pe how I wanted. The l�ght panko coat�ng g�ves these caul�flower w�ngs a l�ttle b�t of crunch, but the caul�flower st�ll gets to be the star of the show.
How to make A�r Fryer Buffalo Caul�flower:
For the Caul�flower
- 4 cups caul�flower florets - Each one should be approx. the s�ze of two baby carrots, �f you put the baby carrots s�de-by-s�de.
- 1 cup panko breadcrumbs m�xed w�th 1 teaspoon sea salt - I would not use regular salt here. Sea salt gra�ns are b�gger, and they add a l�ttle extra crunch to the bread�ng.
For the Buffalo Coat�ng
- 1/4 cup melted vegan butter - 1/4 cup after melt�ng
- 1/4 cup vegan Buffalo sauce - Check the �ngred�ents for butter. I used Frank's Red Hot
- vegan mayo - Cashew Ranch, or your favor�te creamy salad dress�ng
- Melt the vegan butter �n a mug �n the m�crowave, then wh�sk �n the buffalo sauce.
- Hold�ng by the stem, d�p each floret �n the butter/buffalo m�xture, gett�ng most of the floret coated �n sauce. It's f�ne �f a b�t of the stem doesn't get saucy. Hold the floret over the mug unt�l �t pretty much stops dr�pp�ng. A few dr�ps are OK, but �f �t's ra�n�ng sauce, your panko �s go�ng to get clumpy and stop st�ck�ng as well.
- V�s�t A�r Fryer Buffalo Caul�flower @ glueandgl� full �nstruct�ons and rec�pe notes.
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